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Rebecca Cheetham Nursery & Children's Centre

Rebecca Cheetham Nursery & Children's Centre

Starting Nursery

When children first begin at the Centre we like to give them a lot of time and attention to ensure that they settle happily into nursery. We have a keyperson system. This means each child is allocated a named member of staff who takes particular care of him or her. The keyperson helps the child to settle into nursery and to manage saying goodbye to parents and carers. They give the child as much time as is required to settle into the new environment and routine.

Parents are requested to stay with their child until he or she can manage on their own without distress. Some children need their parents to stay for the 3 requested sessions only, others need support for several weeks. It is fundamental to the child's well being that the parents and staff co-operate during this time. Please speak to us if you have any specific needs and we will do our best to help.


Centre Admissions

We adhere to a strict admissions policy. To be considered for a place at the Centre your child must fall into at least one of the following categories:


Extended day fee paying for children ages 2 years and over.

Part time for children aged 3 years and over. 

Part time for children aged 2 years and over (with the 2 year old free entitlement)

Your child name can be entered on our waiting by completing the online registration form

On the day of your appointment you will need to bring:

  • Original copy of your child’s birth certificate.
  • Red Medical book.
  • Council Tax bill
  • 2 different Utility bills - (gas, electricity, home telephone bill etc)

Keeping Records

From their first day, your child’s key person will start to make a baseline assessment to determine where your child is at in their development.  This enables us to identify a starting point and to ascertain the amount of progress your child is making each term.  We make our assessments using the Development Matters framework which is consistent with other nurseries and school settings.

We send out the observations that we make on children at the end of each term via email and we also collate evidence of your child’s work and mark-making in a special book which we encourage you to look through and make comment on regularly. We will ask to meet you formally three times a year (for the Autumn, Spring and Summer Term), although you are welcome to make an appointment with your child’s key worker at any mutually convenient time.  

We encourage parents/carers to look at our Nursery Development at Home section of the website which provides you with a range of fun and age appropriate activities you can do with you child related to what they are doing in the provision. This helps to further promote and embed the learning they are doing in Nursery.

The Early Years Foundation stage record will be passed on to your child’s primary school when they leave Rebecca Cheetham Nursery and Children’s Centre.


When your child is offered a place we expect them to attend regularly and punctually. We ask you to sign a contract stating that you will bring your child to the school for the 38/48 weeks of the year that we are open. Holidays may be applied for using the holiday forms available in the office and given to the head teacher for consideration.

If your child is ill, please telephone the office or send a message to let us know. Your child will be given an authorised absence mark for sickness in the daily register. Upon return to school we ask for a written message or a doctor’s note.

  • Ofsted Outstanding
  • Wellbeing Award
  • IQM Flagship Award